martes, 30 de octubre de 2018


You could say that I am not a person who listens to a lot of music, 
I prefer other activities for example: reading.

Although I like music party hahahaha xd

If I had to talk about styles of music, I would choose indie rock as one of my favorites, the way in which the lyrics mix with the strong sounds I love

I definitely prefer to listen to the music, I do not have a very good voice, although singing with my friends I feel ashamed

Imagine dragons, it's from all my favorite bands, I love all your songs, I think you could be listening to them all day

They should listen to "Next To Me", I do not know why but it moves something in me, the lyrics and the music, the voice of the singer, they create a beautiful song

I think today I have discovered something that is not wise that I felt, my connection with music and the importance of this in my life is bigger than I imagined: it fills me with peace.

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