Hello people,
I must admit that this is a topic that I usually think about a lot, I like to believe that after studying Public Administration I will follow my real dreams and study what I have always wanted: philosophy
Very recently I discovered that it is compatible to do a postgraduate degree in political philosophy with the university degree awarded by the School of government and public management
I have always liked to know things, to learn why, where, when, what are the main theories that govern current human thought and how to better understand the dynamics posed by the great philosophers
I would like to study in Italy or France because in those countries there are the best universities in the area, but if I can study in those countries, I would be very happy to do it in Chile in JGM
Ideally I prefer to study or learn in face-to-face classes. Because the teacher has a lot to teach and generally this is not possible to learn in the same way online or remotely, I think it is important to think about this even more if you do not like this race or if you prefer study another career
friend that wonderful idea, I wish you much success in everything you propose <3