martes, 30 de octubre de 2018


You could say that I am not a person who listens to a lot of music, 
I prefer other activities for example: reading.

Although I like music party hahahaha xd

If I had to talk about styles of music, I would choose indie rock as one of my favorites, the way in which the lyrics mix with the strong sounds I love

I definitely prefer to listen to the music, I do not have a very good voice, although singing with my friends I feel ashamed

Imagine dragons, it's from all my favorite bands, I love all your songs, I think you could be listening to them all day

They should listen to "Next To Me", I do not know why but it moves something in me, the lyrics and the music, the voice of the singer, they create a beautiful song

I think today I have discovered something that is not wise that I felt, my connection with music and the importance of this in my life is bigger than I imagined: it fills me with peace.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2018


My first concert, and the best one in the narrow hahaha, is the "Mechón Concert 2017" ¡DESPABILA!

It was held in Recoleta, Santiago, the first semester of my first year of university.

I remember seeing the artist La Moral Distraida, Natalia Valdevenito, Santa Feria.

In particular, santa feria I liked a lot, is a new cumbia band founded in 2006, they play new cumbia chilena, in a style they call home cumbia, combining elements in a fusion of cumbia, cumbia villera argentina and other latin american styles The group was very happy and lively, the music was very happy and fun.

During the concert the people were very happy, they danced and sang a lot, it was a new experience for me, it was a very good atmosphere.

I enjoyed it so much because I was in the company of my friends, there was new music and it was a new experience for me, I would say it is a good memory.

I hope everyone has attended the concert, I will remember it all my life

martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

HELLO PEOPLE, Today I speack the Italia

If I had to choose a country in the world to visit, I would travel to ITALY, becuase  It is characterized by its fine arts and the history of artistic evolution, its historic buildings, ancient and medieval sites.
As a result of being the center of the Roman Empire, Italy is now plagued by historical sites, relics and monuments that link it to its past as an imperial power.

I know the country
This is a peninsular country located in southern Europe. Bordered north with Austria, France, Switzerland and Slovenia, it also includes the islands of Sicily.

It is characterized by its fine arts and the history of artistic evolution, its historic buildings, ancient and medieval sites.

As a result of being the center of the Roman Empire, Italy is now plagued by historical sites, relics and monuments that link it to its past as an imperial power.